Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rule 12 for Success

Winning starts with beginning

So it is with everything. It starts with beginning!

But what a load of croc you will say. What has this got to do with success?

Well, if you never start, you can never be successful. To be successful, in anything, you need to start doing it!

And any good athlete will tell you: winning is all about getting out of the blocks good. And if it is your own Internet business you are looking for, to enable you to work from home, then SFI is an ideal place for you to start, because it will assist you to get out of the blocks good.

Do not wait for the “Perfect Time”. “There will never be a Perfect Time”. Start working on what you want to achieve and the best time to do that is right now.

It is also good to remember that you cannot possibly be perfect at what you do right from the start. We all need to learn and we all start at the beginning at some point in time. Keep learning and keep improving.

Fact is: It is those people who start doing something who become successful.

Jump right in do it NOW!

"You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great."
-Les Brown

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious work from home opportunity for you. Join my SFI Winners team here:
You may even want to join SFI just to read more about these Rules of Success.
It really applies to all internet businesses (and even to life itself).

Read rule 11 here:

Read Rule 13 Here:

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