Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rule 17 for Success

Don't major in minors

I like this title: Don't major in minors

This is a pit
y that I soo often fall into. And you?

It is so easy for one to get very upset if one person tells you he is not interested in your product. But why is he not interested? One tend to ask yourself. I suppose it is because we so much want to please our clients that it upsets us if they are not interested...

Well guys, one should not let these little things upset you. It tends to slow down your progress. Don’t waste hours trying to persuade that one who are not interested to become interested.

Think of the bigger picture. There are so many other people who are interested in your product that it is seriously not worth your while to spill tears over the one who do not. It is his right not to like it too.

So spend your time in reaching those who want it!

"Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you. Not you."
- Jim Rohn

Guys, let us all concentrate on the real task at hand and not fall into the pit of despair over small things. Another example of a small thing is change.

Yes change.

We have a natural resistance to change (or at least some of us do) and so we tend to get upset when things change. Remember change is part of success. One cannot become successful without changing.

If you stay as you are, you will remain where you are. To progress means to change.

Let us accept change as anther minor thing. Let us embrace it and grow from it. Let us not spend major time resisting the inevitable.

Remember the only thing that remains constant is change.

Have lots of fun spending your time on those things that really are important.

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious work from home opportunity for you. Join my SFI Winners team here:

You may even want to join SFI just to read more about these Rules of Success.

It really applies to all internet businesses (and even to life itself).

Read rule 16 here:

Read rule 18 here:

Friday, April 08, 2011

Rule 16 for Success

Think BIG!

LOL yea and I will rather not tell you what went on in my mind when I read this... But I am sure you can well imagine.

Honestly I am certain that is not what is meant by this heading. Or...?

Seriously though, If you aim for the stars. And if you achieve what you aimed for. Imagine that!. Even if you aim for the stars, and end up in the clouds. Well you did not really achieve what you set out to do yes? But think about it: he who aimed for the ground, still is on the ground today. But you, you are in the clouds already.

Seems to me best is to aim high, yes?


Just think about this old Latin proverb:

"Fortune favors the bold but abandons the timid."

Interesting that this fact was known by people all those years ago, hey?

Some people do not like dreamers. But it is often said that dreams are the beginning of great things. To me to dream is to think big. One must have big thoughts to start motivating you to start achieving success.

Here is a thought. To start to think big one can start by asking big questions. In stead of asking: "Why am  in this predicament?" one should maybe rather ask the question: "What can I do to get out of this predicament" or maybe "What can be learnt from this predicament". Ask questions that lead you into thinking bigger rather than into falling into a depression about  where you are.

And then we see the SFI slogan: "Aim high and dream big"

"When you think big, your results are big."
-Thomas J. Vilord

Then have lots of fun asking big questions and learn how to think big and so become successful.

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious work from home opportunity for you. Join my SFI Winners team here:
You may even want to join SFI just to read more about these Rules of Success.
It really applies to all internet businesses (and even to life itself).

Read rule 15 here:

Read Rule 17 here: