Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rule 8 for Success

Leaders are readers

Do you want to be a leader in your business? Then you have to have the best knowledge about that business. And how do you get that knowledge? By reading about it, of course.

It therefore stands to reason: Leaders are readers.

Nowadays we are bombarded by an information overload. So now reading becomes even more important. We need to learn what our business is all about as well as to learn more about doing business on the Internet in general.

In SFI there is an absolute wealth of knowledge. SFI is in existence for more than 11 years, so you can imagine what a wealth of Internet business knowledge is accumulated in their website.

If you are a SFI member, for example, it is critical for you to check SFI News, SFI Power Tips, and read the latest posts at the SFI Forum. If you do not do this, this could be a clear indication to you that you are not serious about making a success of your SFI business. Not only is it important for you to check this out every day to get knowledge, but SFI also incentivized these actions by giving you VersaPoints for doing so. Great hey :)

So, if you want to become successful, start reading about it! The fact that you are reading this is already an indication that you want to be successful. Thank you for reading this and may you become very, very successful!

A very interesting quote in this regard to me is this one by Albert Einstein:
"Learning is the beginning of wealth. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins. The great breakthrough in your life comes when you realize it that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. This means there are no limits on what you can be, have or do."

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious work from home opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses (and even to life itself).

Read rule 7 here:

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