Work with the workers
If you want to have success in your business, you have to work with the workers because they already know that it is hard work that gets you somewhere.
What does this mean?
Well, sometimes we are so consumed with the idea that we have to work hard to get hundreds of affiliates that we do not give the necessary attention to our hard workers. I do not say it is bad to get hundreds of affiliates. If you are able to get hundreds of affiliates, great! But remember, do not do this at the expense of your hard workers. You should always do all you can to support your hard workers.
It is better to have three to five hard workers in your team than to have a team of two hundred doing nothing! So, if you find a hard worker, pamper him! Assist him as far as is humanly possible. Remember, the future of your business literally depends on it.
So many successful businessmen achieve success, not because they themselves are so good, but because they surround themselves with good people. With hard workers. And they support these hard workers. Do yourself a favor and have a look at very successful business people. Around them you will always find a whole set of very hard workers.
You should be regularly in contact with your hard workers. They should at all times know that you are there to help in case they need you.
So work through the people signing up under you and find the hard workers. They are there just waiting for you to discover them and then work with them.
SFI has a very ingenious tool that assists you to find your hard workers real quick. It is called the *My Movers* list on your SFI Home page. Use this list to your advantage. These people already know how to work hard. Work with them.
The old adage is quite true *you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink*. Similarly, you can get many affiliates, but if they are not workers, you cannot make them work. This does not mean that you should ignore the people not on your *My Movers* list. You should work with them too, because there may very well be a very hard worker amongst them that you just do not pick up when you first look at your affiliates. So work your list, find the tree or four hard workers and do everything in your power to assist them.
These are just a few of my thoughts. Please read through the Rule 4 For Success as written by Gery Carson, President of SFI. His thoughts on this subject are so valuable and very true. Please log in to SFI and read it. You will be glad you did.
One tip Gery gives as an example is: *Don't waste time on skeptics or pessimists. They will NOT succeed in SFI or any other similar endeavor. They do not possess the qualities of a winner (this includes "rocking-chair advisors" who talk and talk, seem to know all the answers, but never act).*
Have lots of fun.
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PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious money earning opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses.
Read rule 3 here:
Read rule 5 here:
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