Monday, August 23, 2010

Rule 1 for Success

Rule 1 for Success

Treat your business, like a business!

This is so simple, yet, so true! So many people seem to join a business and then expect the money to fall out of the sky. Without any work, without any plan, without a commitment. This simply does not happen.

If you want to make a success of any business, does not matter what business it is, you need to be so committed to it that you are prepared to work for hours and hours on end to make it work. See the marathon runners practicing for years and years before they run a marathon! See the businessmen working around the clock to make their business work.

Think about this: if you were buying a shop, you wil be paying thousands of Dollars up front to furnish the store, to buy stock, to get employees. All this will force you to work yourself to a standstill to make a success out of it, or else you would simply lose those thousands of Dollars you invested. This really force commitment from your part.

Starting an Internet business is easy and require no investment from your side (well if you are in SFI of course, other Internet businesses may require an investment up front of which some are quite substantial) still the investment in an Internet business is normally miniscule in relation to the investment in a shop or factory etc. In this small required investment lies the beauty and the danger. It is beautiful not to invest a lot, but this causes the danger that it is too easy to give up. Too easy to decide let’s try something else because this is simply not working for me. Many people spend years and years and fortune upon fortune to jump from one Internet opportunity to the next. Eternally hunting for the illusive magical getting rich quick formula. And never finding it. Why? Because we never commit ourselves to one business and never work ourselves to a standstill to make that one work. So it is doomed to failure.

So it is really important to treat your Internet business like a business. Take the conscious decision: If you decide to join SFI, to work hard in it. To work until you make a success out of it. And not to simply give up after the first year of trying. Remember the required investment in SFI is ZERO. And here lies the danger that one give up very easily. Don’t give up! This is your own Internet Business. Treat it like a business. This is the commitment that is required.

The person who achieves success in SFI, and there are many, make a success because they committed themselves to it. Because they work very hard for a very long time. Because they treated SFI like a business!

So: Treat SFI like a business, commit to it, work hard in it and this is step one for you to achieve success in it. (Please also read SFI Rules of Success rule 1. Read it, listen to the Audio Version. Let it sink in properly.)

Here to help you.

"There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either in or out. There's no such thing as a life in-between."
-Pat Riley

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious money earning opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses.

Read Rule 2 here:

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