Friday, December 24, 2010

Rule 10 for Success

Set goals...and publish them!

Yes, do not laugh. Well laughing is good too so have some fun. But this is serious. "A valid plan for success must include not just goals, but published goals too".

Not only should you set goals for yourself and for your business, but you should also write or print it out and place it where you can see it every single day. This is not the first time I hear this. Many courses in achieving success will tell you this fact.

If we take a simple example. If you lie in bed in the morning and you do nothing you will still be lying in bed that evening. But, if you say to yourself: today I have to go and see my mother. See what you are doing? You are setting a goal for yourself. And if you are like me, I normally plan in advance, and to be sure I do not forget I will write down that I must visit my mother on that day and stick the note on my notice board. Good so now we set this goal to ourselves. Then I will get up and visit my mother on that day. See? I set a goal and at the end of the day I did something in stead of just sitting around doing nothing. Nowadays computes makes it easy for us - there are all kinds of ways we can electronically remind ourselves to do things.

Similarly in any plan success there must be goals. You must know where you are going or else you will be going nowhere.

"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going."
-Earl Nightingale

In SFI they actually allow you to set your goals and to enter it in your affiliate profile. Very nifty. It pays to be serious about these goals - it so often happens that we do not set proper goals and so we achieve nothing.

Think about this: you will never get a degree if you do not set yourself the goal to get it.

In business – you will not have a business if you do not set yourself the goal to start a business. And you will not make money unless you set yourself a goal to make money!

"Take up one idea and act on it. Make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body be full of that idea and leave all other ideas alone. This is the way to success."

Setting goals are so simple to do, yet very few people do it. And in studies it was proved that the few people who did set themselves some goals were the people who achieved success.

You want to achieve success? Set the goal that you want to achieve, publish it and work hard towards it every living moment.

"The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it."
-Mack R. Douglas

Have fun setting your goals and have even greater fun achieving it.

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious work from home opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read more about these Rules of Success.
It really applies to all internet businesses (and even to life itself).

Read rule 9 here:

Read rule 11 here:

Wishes for Love, Peace and Happiness

Happy Festive Season to everybody.

May You and your Loved Ones be Blessed.

May Love, Peace and Happiness be your Companion


Dr Loot Gous home of MoneyWiki Secrets of the rich revealed on the Internet:
You can earn up to $100 per hour 

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wow Fantastic Hand Made Silver Jewelry

Sukhothai Silver

You can't help but fall in love with the beauty of Sukhothai silver (Dawn of Happiness). Dating back hundreds of years in Thailand (1249 AD - 1438 AD), this jewelry reaches the zenith of fine silver jewelry design and is completely made by hand in Thailand. It is composed of FINE .999 silver. This extraordinary jewelry is available exclusively from a family operated business.

Sukhothai Silver: Fine silver jewelry from Thailand: bracelets, necklaces and earrings - exclusively from Sukhothai Silver ECA at TripleClicks.

Supporting the Thai community

Sukhothai Silver has carefully selected a community group with the highest ability in craftsmanship. They are not generally businessmen. Some of the craftsmen work to supplement their income after harvest time on farms or in paddy fields. Many of them are working full time to make a living for their own families.

Have a look at this brilliant example:
Click on the image to enlarge it.

Fine .999 silver Sukhothai enameled bracelet.
It is completely made by hand.
The enameling is permanent since it is applied over pure silver.
Has traditional Thai "N" clasp.

Weight: 21.3 grams

Click here to buy it now:

Kind Regards

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Need web hosting? then this is a must read.

The HostGator Black Friday promotion FAR EXCEEDED our expectations! And because of that, we are going to run a Cyber Monday Promotion as well!

If you missed out on the Black Friday Offer this will give you a second chance to have another shot at a once in a year deal!

We are extending the 50% OFF Promotion. So here is your second chance to save a LOT of money and get a second chance at an absolutely incredible DEAL.

This promotion gives new customers award winning hosting for as little as:
- Shared Hosting – ONLY $2.48/month
- Reseller Hosting – ONLY $12.48/month
- VPS Hosting – ONLY $9.98/month (first month)
- Dedicated Servers – ONLY $87/month (first month)

You simply have to sign up for any of our hosting services online at our site, and the 50% off coupon will be AUTOMATICALLY applied.

The Coupon for your reference is CYBERMONDAY2010 
(valid for new customers on Monday November 29th from 12:00AM – 11:59PM CST (-6 GMT) only).

Get these fantastic discounted rates here ONLY on Cyber Monday:

This will apply to your first invoice (first term length you sign up for, whether that be 1 month or for 3 years for shared and reseller hosting plans, and for the first month only on VPS and dedicated servers). Wow so the best thing you can do for yourself is to sign up for three years at a 50% discount! AMAZING.

That includes Shared Hosting, Reseller Hosting, VPS Hosting AND even Dedicated
Servers! Never before have we allowed the promotion on EVERYTHING including
reseller, vps and dedicated servers!

This promotion will run Monday November 29th from 12:00AM – 11:59PM CST (-6 GMT).

Guys, if you still do not have your own website, this is an opportunity not to be missed!

Have Great savings – remember MONDAY ONLY!

Here to help you

Friday, November 26, 2010

50% Off your Web Hosting account - Black Friday Only!

To sell on the Internet you need to host your website somewhere

If you do not have a website yet, check this out:

HostGator is very excited to unveil their Black Friday 2010 Promotion! This will be their best DEAL in 8+ years of hosting!

Please be advised that this Black Friday promotion starts at 12:00 AM Friday November 26th CST (-6 GMT) and will run until 11:59PM CST (-6 GMT) 11/26/2010.

This is going to be a record breaking day for HostGator sales and HostGator's wonderful Affiliates!

Without further ado, here is their Black Friday 2010 Special Offer:

HostGator is offering 50% OFF EVERYTHING From 12:00AM CST – 5AM CST

Get it now and help yourself to a cheaper website.

Here to help you

Saturday, November 20, 2010

TripleClicks Rocks!

Wow guys, unbelievable how TripleClicks Rocks!

Just check this out:
An HP Photosmart Plus Wireless All-in-One Thermal Inkjet printer sold for $0.97 (value $149.99!) WOW 

These auctions for everyday products can really benefit you tremendously. And don't forget you can buy many, many products online at your convenience at TripleClicks. Check it out.

Here to help you - you need only ask :)

PS - If you are not a SFI member yet you can join here for free right now:
and join in the fun!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Rule 9 for Success

Open your eyes to your potential

You can be a  millionaire! (If this is what you want to be!)

This is true because inside every single one of us there is the potential to be a success.

So why is this not so? Why are we not all millionaires? Because we are not taught that we all have the potential to be successful. The opposite is true, we are taught that we are all mediocre. We are taught that success belongs to the few privileged.

This is a groove we find ourselves in. We need to get out of this groove.

So: believe it, you do have the ability in you to be a success.

Do yourself a favor and read what a successful businessman has to say about this. Log in to SFI and read the rule 9 for success. Most amazing.

At TripleClicks we have the very successful Jack Zufelt, as one of our ECAs. Check out his book “E-Book Version --The DNA of Success -- #1 Best Seller -- Now in 15 languages” here:

“Jack is a best selling author & one of the most successful keynote speakers & business consultants in the world.”

A few quotes that may be as interesting to you as it is to me:
"Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune."
-Jim Rohn

And here is another good one:
"The millionaire says to a thousand people, 'I read this book and it started me on the road to wealth.' Guess how many go out and get the book? Very few. Isn't that incredible? Why wouldn't everyone get the book?!"
-Jim Rohn

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious work from home opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses (and even to life itself).

Read rule 8 here:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rule 8 for Success

Leaders are readers

Do you want to be a leader in your business? Then you have to have the best knowledge about that business. And how do you get that knowledge? By reading about it, of course.

It therefore stands to reason: Leaders are readers.

Nowadays we are bombarded by an information overload. So now reading becomes even more important. We need to learn what our business is all about as well as to learn more about doing business on the Internet in general.

In SFI there is an absolute wealth of knowledge. SFI is in existence for more than 11 years, so you can imagine what a wealth of Internet business knowledge is accumulated in their website.

If you are a SFI member, for example, it is critical for you to check SFI News, SFI Power Tips, and read the latest posts at the SFI Forum. If you do not do this, this could be a clear indication to you that you are not serious about making a success of your SFI business. Not only is it important for you to check this out every day to get knowledge, but SFI also incentivized these actions by giving you VersaPoints for doing so. Great hey :)

So, if you want to become successful, start reading about it! The fact that you are reading this is already an indication that you want to be successful. Thank you for reading this and may you become very, very successful!

A very interesting quote in this regard to me is this one by Albert Einstein:
"Learning is the beginning of wealth. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins. The great breakthrough in your life comes when you realize it that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. This means there are no limits on what you can be, have or do."

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious work from home opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses (and even to life itself).

Read rule 7 here:

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Rule 7 for Success

YOU make it happen, no one else

This must be one of the most painful lessons in life. The lesson that “you are the master of your own destiny”.

If you want to achieve something, then it is best to go out and DO IT!

It is clear to me that sitting on the porch waiting for good luck to come to you is working for a small few very lucky people.

But for the rest of us there is one simple truth: “You make it happen, no one else”.

Think about this: if you want a university degree, you must go to university, you must study and you must pass the required exams. If you want to make a success of your business you must work at it to make a success of it. You and not somebody else.

It does no good to blame all kinds of other things and people for your failures. It is YOUR failures. Many people who came from many worse backgrounds and circumstances rose above those very same backgrounds and circumstances to become rich and famous. To become happy. Yes and even to become very wealthy, if that is how you would describe success.

Stop blaming the economy, or your mother, or your father, or the country or the government, or the guy next door, or whatever. If you really want success in your business, find out how and get it yourself!

We are all pretty helpless if we do not decide to help ourselves. At the end of the day it still is you who have to do the work, it is you who have to will to be blessed to be successful. An you know what? It is also you who have to have the will to be unsuccessful. Believe me, if you believe that you will be unsuccessful then your chances are 99% that you will be unsuccessful at it. You have to believe that you will be a success.

There are so many quotes from so many famous people to explain this but one I am particularly fond of is this one:
"The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."
- George Bernard Shaw

And here is another great one:
"He that is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else."
-Benjamin Franklin

Do yourself a favor and read what the President of SFI has to say about this. Log in to SFI and read The SFI rule 7 for success. I quote one of the paragraphs for you:
“'s not your sponsor. It's not your upline. It's not the economy. It's not the government. It's not the compensation plan. It's not any of these things or any other obstacles perceived to be in your way. If you want to become successful, you can go around the obstacles, go over, go under, or go right through them. Success is yours if you want it, but ONLY YOU control this. Always remember: "If it's to be, it's up to me."”.
This is so true .

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious money earning opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses (and even to life itself).

Read rule 6 here:

Read Rule 8 here:

Friday, September 24, 2010

Rule 6 for Success

YOU succeed only if THEY succeed

Is it not amazing that success does not come from blowing your own horn, but from blowing the horn of others!

Over and over in network marketing materials you will find this one truth: your success is very closely linked to the success of your affiliates. If you can assist to help them get what they want – you can get what you want. WOW.

This is a mistake one so easily make and that is to concentrate on yourself when trying a success of your business. The secret is to concentrate on your affiliates. Help them to achieve what they set out to do and you will make a success yourself.

A start is to open lines of communication between yourself and your affiliates. In doing this you can teach them to do better and you can build relationships with them. These relationships are critical to your success.

And this is where I find SFI such a wonderful business. They supply you with a wealth of tools that enables you to open good lines of communication in the way of personal greeting messages, regular outgoing communications and training on how to do this.

Here is a quote I like a lot:
"You can get everything you want if you help enough others get what they want."
-Zig Ziglar

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious money earning opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses.

Read rule 5 here:
Read Rule 7 here:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rule 5 for Success

Treat TripleClicks as YOUR store

There you go, this rule for success says: if you start a business, you should use your own products. You should also sell and promote your products.

Surely one would not go and buy a product from an opposition store is you sell it in your own store? Would you?

It just makes a lot of sense to support yourself.

If you are an SFI affiliate, you also get an online store called TripleClicks. This store already sells thousands of different products to people all over the world. And many products are added every day.

It therefore makes a lot of sense to buy from your own TripleClicks store when you buy something. Especially when it is something you are already buying. Would not make sense if you go and buy something that you are selling yourself from somebody else, now would it?

SO before you buy anything for yourself or for a friend, first check the availability of that product in the TripleClicks store. If it is there buy it there because then you are supporting your own business.

One needs to remember that your success as an SFI affiliate, is tied directly to the success of TripleClicks (TC). The more successful TC is, the more successful SFI's affiliates will be because all leads to larger affiliate commissions of course.

Some of the features of the TripleClicks store are (and there are constantly more being added):
* You can sell you own old stuff for cash,
* Pricebenders online auction where you can buy brand new products real cheap,
* Deal of the day,
* A list of Hot Deals,
* A list of closeout sales.
* A great search facility,
* A list of what’s new,
* There are special links that will ensure that the commission is allocated to you if someone buys from that link.  And it shows you what the commissionable price is on every product,
*The Booster Club,
* And many more.

The TripleClicks Booster Club makes buying from TripleClicks even more beneficial. Are you a member of the Booster Club yet? Why you should become a member of the Booster Club:

As a member of the Booster Club, you get:
* Special product offers and sales available to Boosters only
* An additional 10% off the regular price of the Deal Of The Day
* Special recognition
* Access to deeply discounted Booster-only closeouts
* 100 free VersaPoints every month (points awarded after monthly purchase)
* MORE to come!

So log in to SFI right now and join the TripleClicks Booster Club if you did not do that already.

Have lots of fun.

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious money earning opportunity for you:
You can find the TripleClicks store here:

You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses.

Read rule 4 here:

Read Rule 6 here:

Monday, September 06, 2010

Rule 4 for Success

Work with the workers

If you want to have success in your business, you have to work with the workers because they already know that it is hard work that gets you somewhere.

What does this mean?

Well, sometimes we are so consumed with the idea that we have to work hard to get hundreds of affiliates that we do not give the necessary attention to our hard workers. I do not say it is bad to get hundreds of affiliates. If you are able to get hundreds of affiliates, great! But remember, do not do this at the expense of your hard workers. You should always do all you can to support your hard workers.

It is better to have three to five hard workers in your team than to have a team of two hundred doing nothing! So, if you find a hard worker, pamper him! Assist him as far as is humanly possible. Remember, the future of your business literally depends on it.

So many successful businessmen achieve success, not because they themselves are so good, but because they surround themselves with good people. With hard workers. And they support these hard workers. Do yourself a favor and have a look at very successful business people. Around them you will always find a whole set of very hard workers.

You should be regularly in contact with your hard workers. They should at all times know that you are there to help in case they need you.

So work through the people signing up under you and find the hard workers. They are there just waiting for you to discover them and then work with them.

SFI has a very ingenious tool that assists you to find your hard workers real quick. It is called the *My Movers* list on your SFI Home page. Use this list to your advantage. These people already know how to work hard. Work with them.

The old adage is quite true *you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink*. Similarly, you can get many affiliates, but if they are not workers, you cannot make them work. This does not mean that you should ignore the people not on your *My Movers* list. You should work with them too, because there may very well be a very hard worker amongst them that you just do not pick up when you first look at your affiliates. So work your list, find the tree or four hard workers and do everything in your power to assist them.

These are just a few of my thoughts. Please read through the Rule 4 For Success as written by Gery Carson, President of SFI. His thoughts on this subject are so valuable and very true. Please log in to SFI and read it. You will be glad you did.

One tip Gery gives as an example is: *Don't waste time on skeptics or pessimists. They will NOT succeed in SFI or any other similar endeavor. They do not possess the qualities of a winner (this includes "rocking-chair advisors" who talk and talk, seem to know all the answers, but never act).*

Have lots of fun.

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious money earning opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses.

Read rule 3 here:
Read rule 5 here:

Friday, September 03, 2010

Rule 3 for Success

Lead By Example

Whatever it is that you want your affiliates to do, do it yourself.

It is so true, and so many leaders forget this, that people look up to you as their leader. They look at what you are doing and they follow you by doing what you are doing.

If you want your affiliates to stay active in a program, then you must stay active yourself.

If you want your affiliate to get more affiliates, then you must get more affiliates yourself.

And so on.

Unfortunately if you are not active yourself you cannot expect of your affiliates to be active. So the negative is also true: do nothing and chances are very good that your affiliates will also do nothing!

In SFI there are quite a few examples mentioned of what one should do to lead by example. You should yourself:

1 Have a standing order (this makes it easy not to forget to place the order for that product you need every month)

2 Be a member of the TripleClicks Booster Club (The booster club allows various priveleges like discounts) and 

3 Belong to the S-Builder co-op (the co-op adds affiliates, that you can earn from, to your account without you having to work to get them, WOW)

I quite like the following quote from Jack M. Zufel:
"A leader is someone who is ahead of the pack. Even if it is only by one inch. They are doing, or have done, what they want or expect others to do. They are not watchers nor do they wait around. They take action...proper action....a lot of proper action! And they never give up!"

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious money earning opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Rule 2 for Success

Rule 2 for Success

DO something to grow your business every day

Here’s the thing: you want to make a success of your Internet business – yes?

Then DO something about it. Every day.

It simply does not help to sit and think about it. Do something. Anything, but DO something to grow your business.

This simple truth was so well said by Alexander Graham Bell when he said: "The only difference between success and failure is the ability to take action."

Of course, simply doing something is not the best. The best would be to make a plan, then do something that falls in line with that plan. This increase the power of what you do. But doing anything is much, much better than doing nothing. It is simply amazing how many people joins Internet businesses, expects to get rich from it whilst doing nothing. It simply does not work like that.

What things can you do, you may ask. Well there are so many to choose from. Here are some examples:
Read what others have to say on how to expand your business,
Learn how to create your own website or blog,
Contact your clients regularly,
Follow up on what they want and need,
Write Articles
wow there are really so many things you can do, all of which assist you to grow your business.

On the SFI site there is a whole list of things you can do every single day. So log in to SFI right now and read about some of the great things SFI made available for you to do. This is one of the things that makes SFI great is the great number of tools it puts at your disposal. Tools you can use to grow your own internet business.

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious money earning opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses.

Read Rule 1 Here:

Read Rule 3 Here:

Monday, August 23, 2010

Rule 1 for Success

Rule 1 for Success

Treat your business, like a business!

This is so simple, yet, so true! So many people seem to join a business and then expect the money to fall out of the sky. Without any work, without any plan, without a commitment. This simply does not happen.

If you want to make a success of any business, does not matter what business it is, you need to be so committed to it that you are prepared to work for hours and hours on end to make it work. See the marathon runners practicing for years and years before they run a marathon! See the businessmen working around the clock to make their business work.

Think about this: if you were buying a shop, you wil be paying thousands of Dollars up front to furnish the store, to buy stock, to get employees. All this will force you to work yourself to a standstill to make a success out of it, or else you would simply lose those thousands of Dollars you invested. This really force commitment from your part.

Starting an Internet business is easy and require no investment from your side (well if you are in SFI of course, other Internet businesses may require an investment up front of which some are quite substantial) still the investment in an Internet business is normally miniscule in relation to the investment in a shop or factory etc. In this small required investment lies the beauty and the danger. It is beautiful not to invest a lot, but this causes the danger that it is too easy to give up. Too easy to decide let’s try something else because this is simply not working for me. Many people spend years and years and fortune upon fortune to jump from one Internet opportunity to the next. Eternally hunting for the illusive magical getting rich quick formula. And never finding it. Why? Because we never commit ourselves to one business and never work ourselves to a standstill to make that one work. So it is doomed to failure.

So it is really important to treat your Internet business like a business. Take the conscious decision: If you decide to join SFI, to work hard in it. To work until you make a success out of it. And not to simply give up after the first year of trying. Remember the required investment in SFI is ZERO. And here lies the danger that one give up very easily. Don’t give up! This is your own Internet Business. Treat it like a business. This is the commitment that is required.

The person who achieves success in SFI, and there are many, make a success because they committed themselves to it. Because they work very hard for a very long time. Because they treated SFI like a business!

So: Treat SFI like a business, commit to it, work hard in it and this is step one for you to achieve success in it. (Please also read SFI Rules of Success rule 1. Read it, listen to the Audio Version. Let it sink in properly.)

Here to help you.

"There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either in or out. There's no such thing as a life in-between."
-Pat Riley

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious money earning opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses.

Read Rule 2 here:

Friday, August 20, 2010


Hi there guys

If you are serious about making money on the Internet:
Please read the latest SFI News: "Introducing....SFI RULES OF SUCCESS"

An extract from this important news article:
" ... we have established our own set of rules for success based on our 11+ year history and the investment of literally millions of dollars and hours by SFI and its affiliates. We have distilled for you all of this into our new "SFI Rules of Success."

Why do we need this? Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The person who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The person who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble."

This is sage advice indeed. In our case, hundreds of methods and strategies for building your SFI business have been provided, but if you do not know the principles (i.e. rules) behind them, a very, very large hole exists in your approach!"

... and ...

"Over the coming weeks, because it is such an important new piece, we'll be talking a lot about the SFI Rules of Success, and you will see a lot of new links and references to it added to the SFI system."

If you are an SFI member already - please go to the SFI home page and read the news. This will really assist you in doing the right things to earn lots of money from your own Internet business.

BTW the link in the news article to "Intro-by-Gery-Carson.sfi" does not function if you click on it. Do yourself a favor: copy and paste the complete link as it is in the article in your browser to read what Gery Carson says. It is a very valuable read.

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious money earning opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these RULES OF SUCCESS. It really applies to all internet businesses.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Are you a businessman selling a product or service?

Do you want a chance to sell more?

Here is a chance for you to get an additional (in your own shop, local or global) market for your product or service.

The beauty of this program is that all the work of setting up a website with all the bells and whistles like shopping carts and payment methods are all done and set up ready for  you to use it at no cost to yourself whatsoever. The only cost you will incur is to pay a commission only if and when you sell anything. If you sell nothing you pay nothing. So it is a total risk free venture. What better do you want?

Thousands of people are already buying from this site and thousands of affiliates are sitting hungrily waiting just to sell your product.

Join this ECA program from the link below and get an additional market for your product or service right now:

Do you know a businessman who need to sell more?

You can help him sell more and earn from it!

If you know a businessman who can benefit from selling more, and you introduce him to this ECA program, you can earn commission on all his sales from this site for the rest of your life!

And even if you do not know such a businessman - you can go and find one.

This will benefit the businessman tremendously not to speak of the earnings you can get out of it! Click on the link below and start to get businessmen to join this ECA program under you. This single action can earn you lots!

Thousands of people are already buying from this site and thousands of affiliates are sitting hungrily waiting just to sell these products.

Are you a person who can sell products?

Now you can sell and earn on an established website.

If you are a person who knows exactly what to do to sell products. Maybe you are even in need of an additional income yourself but you do not have the products to sell. Then here is an opportunity for you.

You can assist to sell the products that are placed on the TripleClicks website by ECAs and in assisting them to sell their products or services you can earn a commission. You do not even have to have your own products or website to sell it from, it is all ready set up for you, all you have to do is to join and to start selling. And you need not worry about distributing the products at all. Is this a great opportunity or what?

So here is a chance for you to help yourself, click on the link below and become one of thousands of SFI affiliate marketers now:

Want to shop from the comfort of your own home?

Why go to a shop if you can order from the comfort of your own home?

Here is the widely used TripleClicks website with more than ten thousand products already available on it.

This TripleClicks site is growing phenomenally fast. In less than six months more than ten thousand products were added to the site. And many more products are being added globally every day.

A tip is to buy products that are sold from your own country and in doing so to reduce the delivery cost of the product. Check out the Advanced Search facility and search for products shipping from and to your own country!

So here is a chance for you to help yourself, click on the link below and buy that product you need right now:

Everybody Wins!

Are you a businessman selling a product or service?
Here is a chance for you to get an additional (in your own shop, local or global) market for your product. The beauty of it is that all the work of setting up a website with all the bells and whistles like shopping carts and payment methods are all done and set up ready for  you to use it at no cost to yourself whatsoever. The only cost you will incur is to pay a commission only if and when you sell anything. If you sell nothing you pay nothing. So it is a total risk free venture. What better do you want? Join this ECA program from the link below and get an additional market for your product or service now:

Maybe you know a businessman who can benefit from this ECA program?
If you know a businessman who can benefit from this service, and you introduce him to this service, you can earn commission on all his sales from this site for the rest of your life! And even if you do not know such a businessman - you can go and find one. This will benefit the businessman tremendously not to speak of the earnings you can get out of it! Click on the link below and start to get businessmen to join as ECA under you. This single action can earn you lots!

Are you a person who can sell products?
Maybe you are a person who knows exactly what to do to sell products. Maybe you are even in need of an additional income yourself but you do not have the products to sell. Then here is an opportunity for you too. You can assist to sell the products that are placed on the TripleClicks website by the ECAs above and in assisting them to sell the products you can earn a commission. You do not even have to have your own products or website to sell it from, it is all ready set up for you, all you have to do is to join and to start selling. Is this a great opportunity or what? So here is a chance for you to help yourself, click on the link below and become one of thousands of SFI affiliate marketers now:

Are you a person who needs products?
So maybe you do not have a product to sell or you cannot sell anything but you are in need of some products. Here is the TripleClicks website with more than ten thousand products already available on it. This TripleClicks site is growing phenomenally fast. In less than six months more than ten thousand products were added to the site. And many more products are being added globally every day. A tip is to buy products that are sold from your own country and in doing so to reduce the delivery cost of the product. So here is a chance for you to help yourself, click on the link below and buy that product you need right now:

Friday, July 16, 2010

Global Mandela Day

Is it not a fantastic idea to honor a great man like Nelson Mandela who himself contributed in so many ways to peace and humanity in this world, to heed to his call to spend 67 minutes to assist someone and in doing so to improve the world?

I would like to use my 67 minutes to tell you about a good friend of mine who I want to assist and if you want I would love you to assist me in assisting him please.

My friend Sakkie was born with defective valves that caused urine reflux to irreversibly damage his kidneys. The result was that he had to have a kidney transplant. The anti rejection drugs has some effects on his body among others that it caused him immense pain in his hips and as result he had to have two hip replacements done to reduce the pain. On Sunday 4 July he slipped and broke his right femur right at the hip replacement. An operation was done to heal the femur. Work will need to be done to ensure that the hip replacement is stabilized again. Obviously he is in bed with much pain. It really hurts me deeply to see this lively person bed ridden and groaning as the pain grabs his body. I really cannot possibly sit by and watch this without doing something about it.

As things are, doing something for him would entail getting him medical treatment he requires to repair his body as far as is humanly possible to the extent that he will at least be able to enjoy life without pain or with the least possible pain and suffering. This treatment would need a lot of funds and I decided to do what I can to assist him to obtain the necessary funds to obtain the required treatment that will put him on the road to recovery as I cannot sit by and just see him lie there in pain all day and night.

I decided to use the funds from one of my business ventures to get him the medical treatment he needs. And this is where you can help me to help Sakkie. Believe me I do not like to simply ask for money even though that would be most helpful and this is why I thought: why not find an opportunity for people to help themselves and in the process help Sakkie?

So what is it that you can do to help yourself and help Sakkie? You can get involved in a business venture that is quite ingenious. Not only does it give retailers the ability to get another market to sell their products (locally or globally on the existing TripleClicks website that already attracts a lot of global attention) and in doing this improve their own revenue, but it also gives global affiliates (of which there are thousands already) to market these products and earn a living from it. Last but not least it enables people who otherwise will not have access to these products to get access to it and buy it. By simply joining in this phenomenal venture you can assist me to assist Sakkie. Here is how:

Are you a businessman selling a product or service?
Here is a chance for you to get an additional (in your own shop, local or global) market for your product. The beauty of it is that all the work of setting up a website with all the bells and whistles like shopping carts and payment methods are all done and set up ready for  you to use it at no cost to yourself whatsoever. The only cost you will incur is to pay a commission only if and when you sell anything. If you sell nothing you pay nothing. So it is a total risk free venture. What better do you want? And if you join this ECA program from the link below, the commission I may earn from it will go towards paying for Sakkie’s operation. So here is a chance for you to help yourself and Sakkie, click on the link below and get an additional market for your product or service now:

Are you a person who can sell products?
Maybe you are a person who knows exactly what to do to sell products. Maybe you are even in need of an additional income yourself but you do not have the products to sell. Then here is an opportunity for you too. You can assist to sell the products that are placed on the TripleClicks website by the ECAs above and in assisting them to sell the products you can earn a commission. You do not even have to have your own products or website to sell it from, it is all ready set up for you, all you have to do is to join and to start selling. Is this a great opportunity or what? If you join this affiliate program from the link below, the commission I may earn from it will go towards paying for Sakkie’s operation. So here is a chance for you to help yourself and Sakkie, click on the link below and become one of thousands of SFI affiliate marketers now:

Are you a person who needs products?
So maybe you do not have a product to sell or you cannot sell anything but you are in need of some products. Here is the TripleClicks website with more than ten thousand products already available on it. This TripleClicks site is growing phenomenally fast. In less than six months more than ten thousand products were added to the site. And many more products are being added globally every day. A tip is to buy products that are sold from your own country and in doing so to reduce the delivery cost of the product. If you buy any product you need from the link below, the commission I may earn from it will go towards paying for Sakkie’s operation. So here is a chance for you to help yourself and Sakkie, click on the link below and buy that product you need right now:

And so my 67 minutes to help someone else ends. It was real fun and you can join me in assisting someone else (and yourself) by simply joining one of the links above. Please also assist me to assist Sakkie and send this message on to your friends so we can all assist to help ourselves and Sakkie.

Your contribution to this initiative, how small it may be, is highly appreciated.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another Milestone reached!

In less than five months we have now have more than 10 000 E Commerce Associate products on our TripleClicks website. And this is just the beginning. We expect thousands more.

If you want to check out the products go to the TripleClicks store and see what is on offer.

This deal really is a bargain:
For retailers: as they get a no strings attached opportunity to get another market for their products.
For affiliates as they can market these products globally and earn commission from it.

If you are a retailer who want to get more products sold join here:

If you are a marketer who want to earn commissions on selling products for retailers join here:

Have lots of fun with this fantastic program.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

EyeEarn goes racing again

Log in to SFI and read the latest news on *EE back on the racetrack tonight*

The #75 Ford Fusion driven by Michael Gaier as it hits the track again.

Michael has entered the Herd Racing #75 Ford Fusion in "The Southern Sizzler", a 150-Lap PASS Racing Series event on June 26th, 2010, at Orange County Speedway in Rougemont, NC

He qualified 21th out of 31 cars. Great going.

Have lots of racing fun


Not a member of SFI yet? join below and read all about our motorsports racing:

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Looking for a Real Online Business Opportunity?

If you are looking to start your own online business from home here are some very interesting facts about the SFI business opportunity that you may or may not know..

You can participate free for as long as you want, with no obligation
Your own personalized Website is provided free (with free maintenance)
Personal mentors are provided for free personal support & assistance
The company handles all orders, payment, shipping, customer service for you
You can create substantial income giving away free stuff
Marketable in every country worldwide (make money everywhere!)
Less than a dollar a day in sales to qualify for upper level income
Member of Better Business Bureau
In business on the Internet 10 or more years
In business in more that 200 countries already
24/7 income opportunity
Extensive free training & resources to help you get started fast
Can earn ongoing, residual income from one-time sales
Potential to earn $100,000+ annually
Support available 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week
Can earn unlimited override commissions on unlimited levels
#1 product available/shippable worldwide
Built from ground up for the Internet
Tools provided for easy and free contact with your entire sales team
Can market virtually ANY product or service in the world
Has paid out millions in commissions
Pays out over 60% of revenues back in commissions
Extensive marketing tools so you can market how you like online or off
Has own private-labeled products
Thousands of real products available to market
Over one million affiliates/distributors
Simple, easy-to-understand compensation plan
Donates a percentage of sales to charity
Business and income can be willed to a family member
Commissions payable weekly in your country’s currency via ATM machine

I wonder, how many other businesses do you know of that offer all these facilities to assist you top make a success of your business?

When comparing, SFI beats Network Marketing/MLM, Traditional Affiliate Programs, Franchises and Direct Sales hands down!

And then, I am there to personally assist you (if you join from the lonk below).

Have lots of fun building your very own Internet business.

Here to help you

If you are not a member of the SFI business team yet you can join at the link below:

Saturday, June 05, 2010

The power of the Internet

I stand in awe of the power of the Internet. And you?

It is simply amazing what was achieved in such a short time. Let me draw you a picture.

Just the other day (okay that was a few years back LOL) it took me a week to get a letter off to a company in a far away country to find out about a product or service they offered. That is, is if I knew about their existence and their address in the first place. And maybe two weeks after I sent the enquiry I received an answer back. What? Yes. Still in my lifetime this is how we did business. I shudder to think that I lived in those times.

Today you sit in front of a computer in your home. You press a few buttons and find many companies offering the product or service you are looking for on the Internet in a matter of seconds. You can see pictures of their faces, premises and products. Details about all of the above. You can decide if you want to do business with them. You can in most cases contact them and get a reply in less than 24 hours. What? And in some places we still do what I did years and years ago.

Today I sat and at the same time had a conversation with a person sitting in Australia, England, South Africa and the United States. Not only did we type messages to each other but we could see each other, talk to one another and hear what the others have to say. Wonderful! Immediate world wide communication.

Simply amazing.

When I was small my parents did not have the money to buy us an encyclopedia. So the only way we could get to information to study was by going to a library. This is if you want to know anything more than the limited knowledge you learnt at school. And this was most of the time a tedious process as the library was far away.

Today you can search and get to a massive volume of knowledge by the press of a button on a computer right in your own home. You can not only get to all this knowledge, you can see pictures explaining it all and if it involves sound you can get sound clips played to you. You can see movie clips in color and with sound, explaining it all for you. So easy. There are millions of subjects that can use the internet to spread their information to all who want to lean and know. From religion to sex, from commerce to governing a country. The applications are literally endless.

And yet. Inside all of this awe and wonder we still have people who do not take advantage of all of this to learn. People who are poor in money and or in knowledge.

One of the challenges of or age is to enable the beauty and power of the Internet to reach millions of people who still do not have access to it. The challenge is not only to enable the people who do not have the monetary means to get to it, but also to enable those who have to really use it to learn and grow to better beings. It amazes me that one can have all this beauty and knowledge at our fingertips and we do not have the will to open it up and use it. I suppose different strokes for different folks is a contributor.

Every person contributing to the content on the Internet contributes a bit to this mass of knowledge that is out there. Every bit increasing to the future welfare of this earth and everything on it. Some good and some bad. Like in the rest of the world we live in. We do not only need to learn how to be street wise but we also need to learn how to be Internet wise.

And this is one of the powers of the Internet. It opens us up to more than just our own little world and our own little pool of knowledge. Beautiful.

Knowledge is power and for that reason the Internet is very powerful.

Dr. Loot Gous

Friday, June 04, 2010

Success Builder co-op and NASCAR Racing

Are you part of the Success Builder co-op yet?

You will be part of a global advertising campaign.

One of the campaigns is focusing on NASCAR #75 Herd Racing. EyeEarn and TripleClicks are sponsors of the #75 Ford Fusion driven by Michael Gaier.

Car #75 is named in memory of the 75 crew members, coaches, boosters, and members of the Marshall University Thundering Herd football squad who lost their lives when their chartered plane crashed on November 14, 1970.

One of the races hit the track in North Carolina for the first time Friday night, June 4th. Read all about it on the SFI news and share the excitement!

“Starting 13th in the main event, had a good car in practice, just a little tight in Qualifying...will be good for the race!”

“Night ended early with a hit from another car on lap 5, bent the rear end and smashed the body up. We'll be ready for the next race for sure”

For less than the price of a cup of coffee a day, you can be building your financial independence!
Join now and have fun whilst building your own Internet business

Here to help you

Not a member of SFI yet? Join here right now and start building your own Internet Business.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

XTREME Online Business Kit with Master Resell Rights

Guys, if you are serious about your online business, you really can have a look at this package deal.

The XTREME Online Business Kit with Master Resell Rights includes the following tools that can really improve your Internet marketing skills and propel it to a new level:

Affiliate page generator - Creates your affiliate promotional pages

Article rewriter - enter “seed articles” to build a new and unique article

Blog hunter - generate a huge list of related blogs easy and fast

Content checker - reveals the percentage of duplicated content

Coupon code generator - Creates coupon codes and discounted order pages

Forum manager - allows you manage and organize your forum

Info box creator - Allows you to create create little boxes of information

Keyword research tool - Generate huge Keyword lists

Link analyzer - Analyzes Link Popularity of Sites

Link cloaker - protect your commissions and stop affiliate link hijacking

Link directory submitter - over 200 directories that you can submit your sites to

Opt in page generator- Allows subscribers to receive rewards INSTANTLY

Project manager - Organize Your Time

Sales letter generator - Allows you to create sales letters

Squeeze page generator - fast and easy way to create top converting squeeze pages

WOW guys – what a set of tools this is! Just imagine how you can improve your online business using these tools.

Read much more about it and Get it right now right here:

Have fun building your own Internet Business

Friday, May 21, 2010

Imagine owning a profitable home business

Imagine owning a profitable home business that you could start today

Are you going to end up: 40 - 40 - 40?

Do you want to work for 40 years or more to make $40,000 a year or less just so you can retire on 40% of what wasn't enough in the first place?

Imagine owning your very own profitable home internet business that you could start today WITHOUT:
* Technical know-how,
* Large capital investment or overhead,
* Jeopardizing your current career,
* Any of the headaches of owning a traditional business.

What if all the tools and techniques were provided for you instantly with simple-to-follow, step-by-step instructions? What if I told you it was FREE to join with NO obligation whatsoever! Interested?

Why not take that important first step and start your own profitable Internet business right now?

Go to:

One of the very significant quotes for me is this one: "The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them." - George Bernard Shaw

Well today I am offering you the opportunity to make the circumstances you want! Do something about your circumstances. Take action. Go to and start your very own real work from home Internet business. WOW - what an opportunity.

Kind Regards
Dr. Loot Gous

Sunday, May 16, 2010

5000 Product Milestone!

It is simply amazing, but expected how many sellers of products already grabbed this opportunity!

We now have more than 5000 yes five thousand products on the ECA (E-Commerce Associates) site. This is one amazing achievement if you think the first product was registered on February 26, 2010 (just 2 months and 19 days ago). WOW.

If you want to see what products there are go to the online shop here:

If you have products to sell yourself, register for free here right now and get a new market for your products right now:

This is one most exciting program and it is taking off like wildfire.

Products are added at an average rate of:

1,908 per MONTH
455 per WEEK
64 per DAY

And the rate is accelerating.

If you want to assist in selling these products and earn a commission in doing so join here right now: once in, join our TripleClicks Booster Club (TCBC) as soon as possible. Some benefits of joining the TCBC:

• Special product offers and sales available to TC Boosters only
• An additional 5% off the regular price of the Deal Of The Day
• Special recognition
• Access to deeply discounted Booster-only closeouts
• 100 free VersaPoints every month
• and MORE to come!

Be there, join in the accelerated growth and earn more.

Have Fun

Friday, May 14, 2010

Two new features at TripleClicks

Two new features at TripleClicks

Wow but this TripleClicks store from SFI is going from strength to strength!

If you joined SFI already - this is great because you can earn commissions on the products of TripleClicks you get others to buy

Just look at these new features:

1. All product details pages now include stock counts. You will see either "In Stock"--which indicates an "infinite" supply--or you will see an actual quantity listed. The latter is handy if you are promoting this product so that you can better gauge how much to put into your promotion (i.e. if there's only three left, you may not want to begin a major advertising campaign).

2. All product details pages are now sporting a special "Share/Save" button. This button, when clicked, allows the reader to share information on the product via Facebook, Twitter, various blogs, and other social networking sites. The button can also be used to easily bookmark the page for future access. In all, DOZENS of helpful services are accessible from the button.

You can look at the features of the TripleClicks store here:

One particularly cool feature is that it automatically detects the services each visitor uses and places those services first in the menu!

In short, this new button makes it easier for visitors to share and bookmark TripleClicks' content, resulting in:

- More traffic!
- Better rankings in search engines!
- Extended reach!
- More sales!

Important Note: Your SFI ID number will be included in any referenced URLs, such as in a Twitter post (so that you get credited with any subsequent sales), provided you are logged in prior to using the button. For your referred members, provided they are logged in, your SFI ID will also get included for crediting when they use the button.

And the new ECA program SFI offers where you can earn commission for the rest of your life - wow.

Join at this link and I will be here to assist you.

Have fun


PS. To sell your products at TripleClicks just click here and join right now:

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Crazy Earnings - Minimum Investment – Maximum Returns


That's right! Hard to believe but is absolutely true!

Crazy earnings

One Time payment with MAXIMUM return!

This has just launched, so you need to get into this NOW before everyone else!

One Time Fee!

Get Paid Over and Over Again From 2 Programs!

Unheard of 2x1 Cycling Matrix!

Additional Referral Commissions For Those That Do Sponsor!

Daily Payouts!

No Sponsoring Required! Everyone Can Profit!

Perfect for Passive Workers!

Brand New! Get in at the TOP of this program NOW
and be in the FIRST to PROFIT!

To your success,
Loot Gous

Belated Mothers Day Present

Wow, and so it is Mothers Day again. The day that we all honor our moms with a bit of a show of the massive appreciation we have for her.

Now maybe you forgot to buy a present for her, or you wanted to but really just were not able to get to it. Here is a possible solution for you:

You can order her a great fragrance, tell her that it is on order and give it to her when it arrives at your doorstep. How is that for a plan?

And here are just a few examples of the many things you can buy her right now:

L'eau D'issey (issey Miyake) Perfume by Issey Miyake for Women

Red Door Perfume by Elizabeth Arden for Women

5th Avenue Perfume by Elizabeth Arden for Women

White Diamonds Perfume by Elizabeth Taylor for Women

Eternity Perfume by Calvin Klein for Women

So, have a wonderful Mothers day!


Thursday, May 06, 2010

Save Money, Save Time And Save the Planet!

Save Money
Save 20 to 60% Daily

Save Time
Shop from hundreds of stores from your computer

Save The Planet
Shopping online is green!

Click here now and Save Money, Save Time And Save the Planet!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Money for Jam (if you have no product to sell)

Are you looking to earn money on the Internet but you have no product to sell?

I came across a fantastic program that can earn you lots of money for jam!

The beauty of this program is that you are helping others, and in doing so wow, you are helping yourself too! Simply amazing. This program is stunning in its simplicity and in its advantages for all concerned. I am amazed.

What you will be doing, in short, is to persuade people with products to sell, to put those products on the Internet and in doing so they can sell more and you can earn a commission from it!

We are looking for reputable, established companies that sell quality, non-controversial products or services. Imagine: put a product you love on the internet, the seller of the product sells more (from his store) and you get to order the product (from your own store) and you earn commission on it! Companies that have a physical retail store and/or who create or manufacture their own products are most coveted. Companies must also be responsive to SFI requests, they must process orders promptly, and they must stand behind their products with appropriate return policies.

At the very minimum, they will need to be able to send and receive e-mails and be able to access the administration web pages to enter their listings, etc. Frankly, any business that is not yet using the Internet is probably missing out on sales. You may wish to respectfully point this out and show them how easy our program makes it for them to get started doing business online. Indeed, all the heavy lifting is done for them. We're going to provide the eyeballs, take the orders for them, and handle all the payment processing. All they basically have to do is fulfill the orders that we forward to them. That's it!

They will join at this site: (you get a similar gateway to get them connected). All you need to do is to drive the sellers to your gateway and persuade them to join.

What if they already have a good Website?

Joining your program will simply increase exposure for their products and services. They are under no obligation whatsoever to use or promote their site, but why not take advantage of the additional sales opportunities having their products and services your program gives them?

What about local businesses? Can I contact them about this program?

 Yes, we strongly recommend it. You might be shocked at how many would love to get their products and services exposed to a greater online audience. This program provides them (one of the fastest growing e-commerce sites in the world, with millions of visitors annually), the marketing muscle of the program's tens of thousands of affiliates in over 20,000 cities in over 190 countries worldwide, etc.
And it's
100% FREE for them to get started and costs them nothing
unless they are making sales! WOW.

Did you ever in you life hear of such a win-win situation?

Can a business participate that does not wish to–or cannot–ship its products? That is, can I refer businesses that only wish to sell directly to local customers?

Yes. Your program offers a "Will-Call" option for local pickups of orders. When entering their products, they can select this option while "opting out" of any product shipments. Customers will place their orders through the system. We will then forward the orders to them and they will then prepare the orders for local pickup by the customer.

There are many affiliates in my city already. So if I refer local businesses who offer "will-call" product pickups, all these affiliates can order their products at and then pick them up right here in my city without any shipping costs?

Yes! By doing this, you can completely eliminate shipping fees for yourself and all the affiliates and members buying from the site who live in your area. And think about this: affiliates win because they can earn all the points they need and eliminate shipping charges by buying locally. The seller of the product win because they get new customers and sales that may continue month after month (think Standing Orders). And YOU win because you'll earn Royalties on EVERY SALE...for life!

Keep in mind that millions of businesses still do not have an online presence yet. Or, if they do have a website, they don't get much traffic. By participating in this program, they'll have a basic e-commerce website with built-in social network components too. And they'll be able to tap into our site’s growing traffic (it is already a top 18,000 site in traffic worldwide and is growing rapidly). So, yes, you'll earn commissions from their website sales and we expect many sellers to actively promote their own products on their own sites. In other words, you may have many sellers you've referred actively advertising their Website–essentially advertising for YOU! WOW.

Join the SFI program as affiliate here right now (that too is 100% FREE), and I will show you how to make this program a win-win situation for you and for the businesses around you!

If you want to look at an existing site of a business who already joined, you can for example look at this one from Afro-African Corporate Designers their site already looks as follows:
You will notice the affiliate number at the end. This is the number of the affiliate who is promoting the products of Afro-African Corporate Designers for them. So if anybody buys from this link Afro-African Corporate Designers wins a sale, The affiliate doing the advertising earns commission on it, You get royalties on that sale too and SFI wins. WOW, talk about a win-win-win-win situation. Ever heard of something this beautiful?

But I am not a sales person, you may say. Listen to these wise words:

Gery, the president of the program who did all the hard work of creating this magnificent site, says:
Well, as it's always been, "fortune favors the bold." Nothing worthwhile in life is ever easy. You WILL have to do some work. You probably WILL have to get out of your comfort zone. So what? What's the worst that could happen? Maybe you'll experience some embarrassment. Don't worry about it, it's not fatal and it passes quickly.

Maybe you'll end up spending many hours writing letters, making phone calls, etc. And maybe you won't get any responses for weeks. So what? Persistence is always a prerequisite of success in anything. If you keep at it, I assure you you will get responses, and some will be of the "yes, I'm in!" variety. And won't those lifetime royalties WAY more than make up for your time investment (that you probably would have otherwise wasted watching TV)? Yes, of course.

And maybe for that one product you really, really, really want in this program, you'll have to do something extraordinary. Maybe you'll have to write the president of the company a letter every day for a year. And maybe that president will ignore you for 364 days. But on the 365th day… persistence, as it often does, wins the day.
Ends the quote from Gery.

Join the SFI program as affiliate here right now (that too is 100% FREE), and I will show you how to make this program a win-win situation for you and for the businesses around you!

Here to help all earn a better living
Dr. Loot Gous

Money for Jam

Do you want to sell more of your products or services?

WOW, my hair is simply standing on end! This program is such
a win-win situation for all concerned.

We are looking for reputable, established companies that sell quality, non-controversial products or services. Companies that have a physical retail store and/or who create or manufacture their own products.

If you will be responsive to our requests, process orders promptly, and stand behind your products with appropriate return policies, then you are the person that I am looking for.

Would you love to get your products and services exposed to a greater online audience? The program provides this (on one of the fastest growing e-commerce sites in the world, with millions of visitors annually), the marketing muscle of tens of thousands of affiliates in over 20,000 cities in over 190 countries worldwide, etc.
And it's
100% FREE for you to get started and cost you nothing
unless you make sales!

Did you ever in your life hear of a better deal?

What if you already have a good Website?
Joining the program will simply increase exposure for your products and services. You are under no obligation whatsoever to use or promote the program, but why not take advantage of the additional sales opportunities having your products and services in this system?

At the very minimum, you will need to be able to send and receive e-mails and be able to access the administration web pages on the internet to enter your listings, etc. I wish to respectfully point out that
any business that is not yet using the Internet is probably missing out on sales. 
This program makes it so easy for you to get started doing business online. Indeed, all the heavy lifting is done for you. We are going to provide the eyeballs, take the orders for you, and handle all the payment processing. All you basically have to do is fulfill the orders that we forward to you. That's it!

You can even participate even if you do not wish to ship your products! Even if you only wish to sell directly to local customers.

The  program offers a "Will-Call" option for local pickups of orders. When entering your products, you can select this option and in doing so "opt out" of any product shipments. Customers will place their orders through our system. We will forward the orders to you and you will then prepare the orders for local pickup by the customer.

By doing this, you can completely eliminate shipping fees for yourself and all the affiliates and members who live in your area. And think about this: affiliates win because they can earn all the points they need and eliminate shipping charges by buying locally. You win because you get new customers and sales that may continue month after month (think Standing Orders).

You will be provided a free "TConnect" Website that features just your products and services that you can promote and use as your own company website. Wow, and you get all this without paying one cent!

If you still do not have an online presence yet, or, if you do have a website but want more traffic. By participating in the  program, you will have a basic e-commerce website with built-in social network components too. And you will be able to tap into the site’s growing traffic. (The site is already a top 18,000 site in traffic worldwide and is growing rapidly).

Want to see an example of such a site? Here is the TConnect website of Afro-African Corporate Designers (and there are many already as the program is really taking off fast!):
If there is an affiliate number at the end as is shown above – it means that affiliate is promoting the Afro-African Corporate Designers site for them!  Simply amazing.

Why wait? Join the  program right now, you will be glad you did.

Lots of sales to you
Dr. Loot Gous