Saturday, May 31, 2008

No one wants to tell you what I'm about to tell you

Let me tell you about Sneaky Affiliate Cheat.

It seriously is one of the most controversial products to hit the net in recent times.


Because the author, Chris (aka Undercover Affiliate X), is revealing some very dirty secrets that most super affiliates would rather were not brought out into the open.

Affiliate marketing as you know it is about to be turned on its head and rocked in a big way.
I bet you're wondering, what's all this fuss about...?

Now, If you've been struggling up until now to make a full time living from affiliate marketing so you can finally quit your day job......I promise you, it doesn't get any better than this...

Sneaky Affiliate Cheat is one of the very few products that crosses the border into black hat territory as far as affiliate marketing is concerned.

Now when I say black hat, I don't mean doing a few tricks to boost your rankings in the search engines.

Oh no, this is nothing like that...

Sneaky Affiliate Cheat allows you to double, triple or even quadruple your income by dancing around the edge of "proper behaviour" and cheating your way to non-stop commissions by robbing the super affiliates! No wonder they don't want me to tell you about this:

Now this isn't just an ebook. There is also some powerful software included too, so you can go ahead and implement these sneaky cheats from day 1.

This software, named Affiliate Covert Commission, is very aptly named as the great thing about it is the super affiliates will have no clue whatsoever as to WHO has been stealing their commissions.
Look, I have no idea how long this site is going to stay up for before the big guns find out, but my advice would be to get in quick...

If you come back tomorrow, you may not find the site still there. Super Affiliates the world over are clearly going to go 'bananas' when they discover what Undercover Affiliate X is telling the ordinary guy on the street.

Now, you're definitely going to want this Sneaky Affiliate Cheat package for yourself, you can see, nothing else in affiliate marketing comes even close to the money-making potential of this thing.
How can you get your eager little hands on this life-changing package...? Well, you need to move fast... there is no guarantee that it will even stay on sale for long...

To Your Success,
Dr Loot Gous

P.S. Did I tell you that Clickbank DO NOT approve of Sneaky Affiliate Cheat? Of course they don't, they have their super affiliates to look after!But that didn't stop Undercover Affiliate X finding an alternative channel to get this thing out there..

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Discover How To (Legally) CHEAT Your Way To Huge Affiliate Profits!

This is very important so please; be sure to read every word very, very carefully.

"Discover the money-grabbing "black hat tricks" that super affiliates hope you'll never use against them!"

Affiliate Marketing as you know it is about to change beyond all recognition. I'm about to show you how Undercover Affiliate X (aka Chris) regularly makes over $30,000 per month from the likes of Clickbank, Commission Junction and other affiliate programs.

Chris prefers to stay under the radar as the techniques he uses are very controversial and some would say very nasty too. Lets face it, if you were regularly earning 30K per month by robbing the super-affiliates, you would do anything to keep it that way.

The techniques Chris is using may not win you many friends - that is if they actually knew you were stealing their commissions. If you follow Chris's advice the super-affiliates won't even notice!

This product is so controversial that marketers are literally screaming and tearing their hair out that its being made available to the whole world.

Who knows how long this site will stay up? If the big-guns get their way it will be banned
within hours.

If you've ever struggled to make it as an affiliate marketer...this product will change your life forever...!

In fact Clickbank refused to sell this product as they were afraid of what it would do to their super-affiliates.

Earning what the Super Affiliates earn by using fool-proof methods to steal their advantage and turn it into your advantage.

Now you can start scooping up the sales that would have gone to them.

Its true. $30K is only the tip of the iceberg.

How would you like to spend just a few hours of your time learning how to cheat your way to an affiliate fortune from someone who's "been there, done that?"

Sneaky Affiliate Cheat is the only book that crosses the line into "black hat" territory and shows you how to beat the Super Affiliates at their own game by cheating your way to affiliate marketing success.

However, this is not just an eBook.

This product is already being called the greatest online money-making system ever invented!

You see, not only do you get you get the eBook which explains the sneaky affiliate cheat methods in step-by-step format....

You also get the very powerful Software - Affiliate Covert Commission

That way you can start stealing commissions from right under the noses of the Super Affiliates within minutes of downloading the software.

If you just can't wait, then go here now:

To Your Success,
Loot Gous

P.S. Don't risk leaving this 'till tomorrow, I say this is so controversial that the site may be taken down any time now. Then it will be too late.