Saturday, January 26, 2008

Beat the gurus at their own game!

Thank you very much for all the people who already grabbed the opportunity to join the great Yuwie site here:

I wrote the article below to inform everybody of the great opportunity that lies in this Yuwie site.

Web 2.0 scares the living daylights out of web gurus!

Why are they scared? I will tell you right now. But first: What is this Web 2.0 thing that everybody is talking about?

It is not very complicated – simply put: the web became interactive. Yes – in stead of just downloading and reading a site you are now allowed to participate in the building of the site! This is a most exiting concept. You are allowed to talk back!

Web 2.0 is not a new technical specification or a new program or machine you have to buy – no. It simply has to do with the way new websites are designed. The websites are designed in such a way that everybody can participate in it – and for the most part this participation is for free.

Everybody (including the gurus!) say: But this will never work – the users will break the site in no time flat! One do get vandals out there. Well yes and no. Yes, some people will never grow up and will always try to break a site. But then – amazingly - the vast majority of us will not.

Give me examples of these Web 2.0 sites you say. Well here is but a few:

A great new social networking site is called Yuwie. This site is growing at a phenomenal rate. Here you can make friends, communicate with them, create blogs, customize your profile, send secure emails, put your ad on message boards, participate in clubs and forums. It is great fun. And you can make money out of it! Click on the following link and sign up for Yuwie right now:

Then you find forums where users can join for free and create their own messages that is published on the Internet for all to see. You can click on the following link and sign up right now: Of course there are many other forums you can join that covers a whole multitude of interest groups.

You find the so called Wiki or WikkaWiki sites. Again one can join for free and contribute to a whole knowledge base of data. For one example click on the following link and go to the MoneyWiki and sign up: Another famous Wiki, of course, is Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Everybody worldwide can contribute and already many people regard this as the fastest way to gain knowledge about a subject. And it is written by everybody! It works! You can for example click on the following link and read all about Web 2.0

Another example – of course is Blogs (also called weblogs) where users can create their own look and feel site, enter the articles they want and get it published on the Internet. Many of them are free too. You can click on the following link to see an example of a blog.

Yet another example is RSS feeds. Users can subscribe to these feeds and see when the content has changed and see the latest changes. You can find an example of a feed here: and you can subscribe to the feed and automatically be informed of any changes on it. Wonderful.

And many more.

So why is it that the gurus are scared of this exiting new development? Well in guru language it is critical that your result must be displayed on the first page of a search engine. Why – because nowadays people do not have the time to page through millions of web pages to get to yours at number 500000. Gurus work very hard to get their sites on page one and to keep them there. They earn fortunes out of this.

All of a sudden they noticed that sites advertised in these so called Web 2 sites are appearing on the top pages of search engines. And this makes them scared – because they will lose their position on the first page of search engines. How many times did you find a search on a subject reflecting the response from Wikipedia right at the top of the first page? There is the proof.

So here is your chance to beat the gurus at their own game! How, do I hear you ask.

Simple, my dear Watson, join some (or most) of the Web 2.0 sites above and start playing. By posting links on these sites where you are allowed to – you increase the web presence of your site and at the same time the rating – and if you do it well your site may even end up on the first page of a search engine!

One site I really recommend is a new one that is growing very, very fast. It is called Yuwie. It is a social networking site and people from over the world are flocking to it in their thousands. Yuwie also pays you and they even pay you for the activity of the friends you invited to this site – up to ten levels deep! Not only do you increase your site’s web presence – but you also have fun – and get paid at the same time – this is what I call wonderful.

Click on the link below – and start having fun! Make money whilst making new friends!

This is the new way of marketing guys – jump on it and get counted!

Click on the link below – to find out how it works and to join the new wave of internet Web 2.0 marketing

Have Fun

Dr Loot Gous

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