Friday, October 22, 2010

Rule 9 for Success

Open your eyes to your potential

You can be a  millionaire! (If this is what you want to be!)

This is true because inside every single one of us there is the potential to be a success.

So why is this not so? Why are we not all millionaires? Because we are not taught that we all have the potential to be successful. The opposite is true, we are taught that we are all mediocre. We are taught that success belongs to the few privileged.

This is a groove we find ourselves in. We need to get out of this groove.

So: believe it, you do have the ability in you to be a success.

Do yourself a favor and read what a successful businessman has to say about this. Log in to SFI and read the rule 9 for success. Most amazing.

At TripleClicks we have the very successful Jack Zufelt, as one of our ECAs. Check out his book “E-Book Version --The DNA of Success -- #1 Best Seller -- Now in 15 languages” here:

“Jack is a best selling author & one of the most successful keynote speakers & business consultants in the world.”

A few quotes that may be as interesting to you as it is to me:
"Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune."
-Jim Rohn

And here is another good one:
"The millionaire says to a thousand people, 'I read this book and it started me on the road to wealth.' Guess how many go out and get the book? Very few. Isn't that incredible? Why wouldn't everyone get the book?!"
-Jim Rohn

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious work from home opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses (and even to life itself).

Read rule 8 here:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rule 8 for Success

Leaders are readers

Do you want to be a leader in your business? Then you have to have the best knowledge about that business. And how do you get that knowledge? By reading about it, of course.

It therefore stands to reason: Leaders are readers.

Nowadays we are bombarded by an information overload. So now reading becomes even more important. We need to learn what our business is all about as well as to learn more about doing business on the Internet in general.

In SFI there is an absolute wealth of knowledge. SFI is in existence for more than 11 years, so you can imagine what a wealth of Internet business knowledge is accumulated in their website.

If you are a SFI member, for example, it is critical for you to check SFI News, SFI Power Tips, and read the latest posts at the SFI Forum. If you do not do this, this could be a clear indication to you that you are not serious about making a success of your SFI business. Not only is it important for you to check this out every day to get knowledge, but SFI also incentivized these actions by giving you VersaPoints for doing so. Great hey :)

So, if you want to become successful, start reading about it! The fact that you are reading this is already an indication that you want to be successful. Thank you for reading this and may you become very, very successful!

A very interesting quote in this regard to me is this one by Albert Einstein:
"Learning is the beginning of wealth. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins. The great breakthrough in your life comes when you realize it that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself. This means there are no limits on what you can be, have or do."

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious work from home opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses (and even to life itself).

Read rule 7 here:

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Rule 7 for Success

YOU make it happen, no one else

This must be one of the most painful lessons in life. The lesson that “you are the master of your own destiny”.

If you want to achieve something, then it is best to go out and DO IT!

It is clear to me that sitting on the porch waiting for good luck to come to you is working for a small few very lucky people.

But for the rest of us there is one simple truth: “You make it happen, no one else”.

Think about this: if you want a university degree, you must go to university, you must study and you must pass the required exams. If you want to make a success of your business you must work at it to make a success of it. You and not somebody else.

It does no good to blame all kinds of other things and people for your failures. It is YOUR failures. Many people who came from many worse backgrounds and circumstances rose above those very same backgrounds and circumstances to become rich and famous. To become happy. Yes and even to become very wealthy, if that is how you would describe success.

Stop blaming the economy, or your mother, or your father, or the country or the government, or the guy next door, or whatever. If you really want success in your business, find out how and get it yourself!

We are all pretty helpless if we do not decide to help ourselves. At the end of the day it still is you who have to do the work, it is you who have to will to be blessed to be successful. An you know what? It is also you who have to have the will to be unsuccessful. Believe me, if you believe that you will be unsuccessful then your chances are 99% that you will be unsuccessful at it. You have to believe that you will be a success.

There are so many quotes from so many famous people to explain this but one I am particularly fond of is this one:
"The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."
- George Bernard Shaw

And here is another great one:
"He that is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else."
-Benjamin Franklin

Do yourself a favor and read what the President of SFI has to say about this. Log in to SFI and read The SFI rule 7 for success. I quote one of the paragraphs for you:
“'s not your sponsor. It's not your upline. It's not the economy. It's not the government. It's not the compensation plan. It's not any of these things or any other obstacles perceived to be in your way. If you want to become successful, you can go around the obstacles, go over, go under, or go right through them. Success is yours if you want it, but ONLY YOU control this. Always remember: "If it's to be, it's up to me."”.
This is so true .

Here to help you.

PS. If you are not a SFI member yet, here is a serious money earning opportunity for you:
You may want to join SFI just to read these Rules of Success. It really applies to all internet businesses (and even to life itself).

Read rule 6 here:

Read Rule 8 here: